The Clay County Sheriff’s Department has arrested 2 individuals in connection with an uttering forgery charges and mail theft. John McManus, age 37, and Stephanie Todd, age 39, both ofWest Pointare both charged with 3 counts of uttering forgery. Clay County Sheriff’s Department investigators recovered mail belonging to thirty seven known individuals from the suspect’s vehicle and residence. The recovered mail included debit cards, credit cards, personal checks and credit card cash advance checks. The stealing and/or tampering of mail is a federal offense. The U.S. Postal Inspector is assisting Clay County Sheriff Investigators who are forwarding this information to the U.S. Attorneys Office inOxford,MS.
Scott stated that the forgery charges are related to the cashing of stolen checks from the victim’s mailboxes. Due to the mass amount of the mail recovered, investigators are still examining and looking for more possible victims. Both individuals are currently incarcerated at theClayCountyDetentionCenterand no bond has been set
Sheriff Eddie Scott stated that the investigation is ongoing and expects more arrest in the case. Anyone who has any information is encouraged to contact the Clay County Sheriff’s Department at 662-494-2896, U.S. Postal Inspectors Office at 601-351-7155 or Golden Triangle Crime Stoppers at 1-800-530-7151.
 John McManus |
 Stephanie Todd |